I'll tell you the "secret" up front.

Happiness always comes before success, not the other way around.

Are you a high achieving executive? Do you hold yourself to a high standard in all that you do? Are you exhausted, burnt out, or feeling like there's nothing left to give?

You want a more enjoyable and successful life, but change is hard.

Whether you're seeking one-on-one coaching or a supportive group environment, my commitment is to equip you with the tools to maintain your own mental fitness and ensure success.

Private Coaching

Executive coaching can help you uncover what you desire, what is getting in your way and how to move past those road blocks so you can be your best self and live your best life.

Create a crystal clear vision of a thriving work-life balance

We work together to identify what an ideal life can look like where you optimize success and create more balance and incorporate more fun and joy into your life.

Uncover your stressors.

Identify the hidden “saboteurs’ holding you back. Learn the techniques to take back control from the hidden critic within.

Reduce burnout.

Learn stress management techniques that will channel your skill sets to yield greater success, a fuller sense of fulfillment, and greater joy.

Achieve lasting change.

Solidify your progress and create an action plan to move forward, armed with the tools to maintain balance and success in your life.

Explore Private Coaching

Small Group Coaching

In "Bridges to the Next Level," you will gain a deeper understanding of your stressors, develop a healthier approach to achievement, and create a clear action plan for the joy and success you deserve.

What is possible?

Leverage the synergy of like-minded individuals to define your own personal goals.

Harness your inner strength.

Build resilience and boost performance. Enhance your ability to look at every situation as a gift by practicing the power of the sage.

Sharpen your mental edge.

Apply the techniques you've learned to create new neural pathways that will empower you to approach daily situations with more power and control.

Build the bridge to greater success.

Develop a custom plan to live an extraordinary life, armed with the tools to maintain balance and continue on the path to a successful professional and personal life.

Explore Small Group Coaching

"I've found the sage power games really helpful and the technique of doing PQ reps to imagine intercepting future saboteurs or revisiting past ones really builds up sage powers."

April C, Colorado Springs

How It Works

My private and group coaching programs consist of 4 phases over 10 weeks:

phase 1

Identify Your "Why" and "What"

Introduction to positive intelligence, the power of mental fitness and a vision for the future you.

phase 2

Converting Your Inner Critic

Uncover your inner saboteurs and create the sage response. Take back control of your thought patterns and emotional well being.

phase 3

Taking Action - Bridges to Success

Build your mental fitness muscles. Prevent burn out. Access greater balance, joy and success

phase 4

Create lasting change.

Solidify your progress and plan a balanced and success filled future.

Take the first step toward a better you.

Connect With Me